Why Do I Wake Up Tired?

fenton sleep apnea

Do you often find that you wake up feeling tired, despite assuming you rested well the night before? If so, this could be related to a common and widespread disorder known as sleep apnea. Our team can offer a diagnosis and help you rest with ease again! At our advanced sleep clinic in Fenton, MI, we want to make sure you can wake up feeling rested and alert.

The Impact of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea impacts millions of people. With sleep apnea, as you sleep the soft tissues in the throat and rear of your mouth collapse and cut off airflow. You stop breathing for seconds as the brain registers the drop in oxygen and wakes you. While you may not recall being woken up, this can happen multiple times a night, leaving you feeling exhausted the next day. Over time, this can impact your memory, lead to issues concentrating on tasks at work or school, cause moodiness, and even strain your immune system so you’re more likely to become sick. The stress on your heart health can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and heart attack.

Other Common Warning Signs

What are signs you should talk to our team about possible treatment options? As we mentioned above, people with the disorder may experience daytime drowsiness on a regular basis. Waking up in the night gasping for air or choking is common, as is irritability during the day. When you begin to encounter these common changes, please let us know right away. Our team can talk to you about possible risk factors and symptoms, and may even recommend an at-home sleep test to obtain accurate results, so we can decide if you need treatment. If so, we can offer relief with an oral appliance.

Creating a Custom Oral Appliance

The appliance will be custom-made for your smile based on detailed digital images of your smile taken from multiple angles. This custom-fit means the device fits comfortably and repositions your jaw with accuracy and precision, so your airways stay open and you breathe without interruption. The device looks and fits like a night guard, and is ready to wear and clean. This provides a CPAP alternative that is simple and convenient, and helps you feel more rested and alert the next day. If you have any questions about how we treat sleep apnea and prevent you from waking up tired every day, then contact our team today.

Wake Up Rested With Help From Sleep Well Dental Center

Our team wants to make sure that you can sleep with ease and wake up feeling rested. To learn more or schedule an appointment, contact Sleep Well Dental Center in Fenton, MI at (810) 354-7550 today!