Snoring is Affecting My Relationship

If your loved ones have mentioned their concern over your loud snoring, take the time to talk to a sleep expert about your symptoms. Sometimes, snoring can be a sign of a common sleep disorder called chronic obstructive sleep apnea, and if this is what your partner has been hearing, it is time to talk to a professional about treatment. This is more than just snoring, and your health depends on finding a course of care that works for you.

Not only can effective sleep apnea treatment benefit the patients, but it can also help out their loved ones. You can help your partner to sleep better, both by giving them a little more quiet overnight, and also by taking care of your health. They care about you, and if you leave your OSA untreated, you are at an elevated risk of multiple cardiovascular conditions. At Sleep Well Dental Center in Fenton, we offer a quieter, more comfortable approach to sleep apnea treatment with oral appliance therapy. To find out more about appliance-based treatment for OSA, give us a call today!

Couple with snoring issues
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Poses A Health Risk When Untreated
Your snoring might be a sign of something more. Obstructive sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder where the patients experience momentary pauses in breath overnight. This condition limits the amount of oxygen that the body receives during sleep, and it can contribute to a broad range of health issues, often stemming from an increase in blood pressure. Hypertension due to OSA significantly increases a person’s risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke, so this is more than just troublesome snoring.
Morning sleepiness
What Is Sleep Apnea, And What Are The Symptoms?

Chronic obstructive sleep apnea happens during the deepest form of sleep, when your body acts a little differently than normal. During this period, the tissue within your throat may begin to soften, and at a point, it starts to block your airway. This can cause a pause in breath called apnea, preventing normal flow of air until your body jostles you awake out of reflex.

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder, and it can show itself in a range of symptoms. Loud snoring is probably the most common symptom that people experience, but there are others, as well. Morning headaches, dry mouth, and a general feeling of tiredness may all be a result of poor sleep due to OSA. If you find that you are exhausted by lunchtime, speak with a sleep science professional to find out if a sleep disorder is to blame.

Find Peaceful Sleep, And Help Your Partner To Rest Easy, Too

Chronic OSA can become a significant health problem, yet some people choose to live with their condition due to the hassle and noise of traditional CPAP therapy. At our office, our patients have the opportunity to try a quieter, more convenient sleep apnea treatment with oral appliance therapy.

If your snoring has become a common subject of conversation in your relationship, it is time to talk to a sleep science expert about achieving a better night of sleep. To find out more, schedule a consultation by calling us at Sleep Well Dental Center in Fenton, MI at (810) 354-7550 today!